Crystal ERParsers

Carrd created & maintained by Mazz Maryoku
Discord founded by Harumi Shiroha


Crystal ERParsers (CERP) is a parsing-focused Discord community, created in Eden’s Verse by Harumi Shiroha, intended to bring together like-minded individuals to learn from each other and parse together. What started as a small group of friends has grown to a community of 350+ that host parse parties and grows closer by participating in events, such as alliance raid speeds, and seasonal glamour fashion shows.

Carrd created & maintained by Mazz Maryoku
Discord founded by Harumi Shiroha


To ensure a high standard is kept for each party hosted in the server, each applicant must:

      1. Want to actively parse the current tier whilst it's still active & relevant.
      2. Have 3 Oranges (95+) and 1 Purple (75+) in the current tier
           ★You are encouraged to apply even w/o this if you are close. It is possible to get in on a trial/interim bais.
      3. Pass a review of rotation and mitigation usage from log reviewers
           ★Supercedes #2
      4. Pass a community review of character from existing members

Carrd created & maintained by Mazz Maryoku
Discord founded by Harumi Shiroha


Applications to join Crystal ERParsers are open for patch 7.0
Please fill out this form
Once you have filled out the form, your logs will be looked over to ensure that they meet quality requirements. After they have passed, the community as a whole will be given the opportunity to provide feedback on any experience that they may have had with you, in either PF or a static environment. If this ultimately results in you being accepted, you will receive a Discord invite from an admin via DMs. If you're denied for whatever reason, an admin will send you a DM with feedback on how to improve moving forward.

Carrd created & maintained by Mazz Maryoku
Discord founded by Harumi Shiroha


Official Strats

These are the official strats for CERP
It is strongly recommended to use them
(Please Read Everything Below)

★These strats are not necessarily the absolute best for opti but rather a good balance between opti and feasibility of clearing in a PF scenario.★Different in parentheses for a strat means it is different than the PF strat.★For this tier, macros are not needed. Follow standard positioning and call your role (M1, H1, etc.)

Rules of Thumb

  1. Read the Server Rules, Etiquette and Readme

  2. Read the Official Strats Doc carefully

  3. Reference the CERP Mit & Timeline Sheet as you read (To Be Finished)

  4. Read & use the macros if needed

  5. Choose and tell your party what spot/role you’re taking

  6. Communicate if you have any questions, comments or concerns whatsoever

  7. Generally, H2 = Least Mobile Healer; R2 = Caster

  8. Know what good runs for your job look like with different comps

  9. Don’t immediately wall w/o asking if someone is having a good run

  10. Be willing to LB if someone is having a good run and you are not

  11. Be willing to Ress if someone is having a good run and you are not. This includes the Casters.

  12. Take turns sandbagging; Be willing to take a turn

  13. Be a genuinely good team member

  14. Communicate

Carrd created & maintained by Mazz Maryoku
Discord founded by Harumi Shiroha




M1S Full Fight Summary Raidplan

      ★Quick succinct visual summary

Mechanic Differences

      ★This is a list of mechanics that are different than PF

           ■It is strongly recommended that you read the listed strats anyways as even PF strats have some variation

      1. Mousser 1 & 2 (Tiles)

      2. Shockwave (KB)

      3. Biscuit Maker (TB)


➢Proteans (PF)


      ★Intercard baits; Cards always safe

      ★DPS first

➢Light Party (PF)


      ★G1 W; G2 E

      ★Line Stack

           ■G1 N; G2 S

➢Pairs (PF)


      ★Meet on Cardinals

      ★DPS CW

➢Mousser 1 & 2 (Tiles) (Different)

      ★Tile Knocks

           ■Melees Inner tiles & knock across

                ●See summary raidplan above for visual

           ■Ranged Outer tiles

➢Splintering Nails (PF)

           ■Boss Relative

                ●Left to Right: THD

➢Shockwave (KB) (Different)

      ★Supports North; DPS South


           ■MT NW

                ●Lean N if RDM present

           ■OT NE

                ●Lean N if RDM present

           ■M1 SW
                ●Lean W if RDM present

           ■M2 SE
                ●Lean E if RDM present

           ■RDM S

➢Biscuit Maker (TB) (Different)

      ★Invuln each one

           ■You probably need to do so to get LB3 in time


      ★{"Name":"M1S Markers","MapID":986,"A":{"X":100.0,"Y":0.0,"Z":95.0,"ID":0,"Active":true},"B":{"X":105.0,"Y":0.0,"Z":100.0,"ID":1,"Active":true},"C":{"X":100.0,"Y":0.0,"Z":105.0,"ID":2,"Active":true},"D":{"X":95.0,"Y":0.0,"Z":100.0,"ID":3,"Active":true},"One":{"X":90.0,"Y":0.0,"Z":95.0,"ID":4,"Active":true},"Two":{"X":110.0,"Y":0.0,"Z":95.0,"ID":5,"Active":true},"Three":{"X":110.0,"Y":0.0,"Z":105.0,"ID":6,"Active":true},"Four":{"X":90.0,"Y":0.0,"Z":105.0,"ID":7,"Active":true}}


      ➢Buffs & CDs

      ➢KT Info

      ➢KT DPS

      ➢KT Checkpoints


                ■Checkpoints have variation due to comp, however these should be a reasonable estimate (Within ~3%)

Carrd created & maintained by Mazz Maryoku
Discord founded by Harumi Shiroha




M2S Full Fight Summary Raidplan

      ★Quick succinct visual summary

Mechanic Differences

      ★This is a list of mechanics that are different than PF

           ■It is strongly recommended that you read the listed strats anyways as even PF strats have some variation

      1. Alarm 1

      2. Beat 3


➢In & Partners + Out & Partners (PF)


      ★T/R & M/H Pairs

           ❥MT R1 (NW)

           ❥OT R2 (NE)

           ❥H1 M1 (SW)

           ❥H2 M2 (SE)

➢Out & Spreads (PF)

      ★Boss Relative (Looking at the Boss)

           ❥Support Left

           ❥DPS Right

➢In & Spreads (Quickmarch) (PF)


      ★North to South


➢Alarm 1 (Different)

      ★Alarm 1


                ●Kali Liada (Exodus) & POG

➢Beat 1 (PF)


      ★Stack Start South

           ❥Rotate CW if needed

➢Beat 2 (PF)


           ❥Rotate CW


           ❥Preposition in quadrant for towers


           ❥Supports N/W

           ❥DPS S/E

➢Alarm 2 (PF)

      ★Supports North & CCW

      ★DPS South & CCW

➢Beat 3 (Uptime PF)

      ★Uptime PF Strat

           ❥Beat 3 Uptime Raidplan

                ●Beat 3 Uptime Clip

                ● Long Defamation: On A (Center)

                ●Short Defamations: On 1, 2, 3, 4

                ●MT, OT, M1, M2 all MUST Sprint to reach towers

                ●Max melee is barely too close. Must roll GCD before defamations go off.


                ●{"Name":"M2S Beat 3 Uptime","MapID":988,"A":{"X":100.0,"Y":0.0,"Z":90.75,"ID":0,"Active":true},"B":{"X":109.25,"Y":0.0,"Z":100.0,"ID":1,"Active":true},"C":{"X":100.0,"Y":0.0,"Z":109.25,"ID":2,"Active":true},"D":{"X":90.75,"Y":0.0,"Z":100.0,"ID":3,"Active":true},"One":{"X":87.1,"Y":0.0,"Z":87.1,"ID":4,"Active":true},"Two":{"X":112.9,"Y":0.0,"Z":87.1,"ID":5,"Active":true},"Three":{"X":109.1,"Y":0.0,"Z":106.1,"ID":6,"Active":true},"Four":{"X":90.9,"Y":0.0,"Z":106.1,"ID":7,"Active":true}}


                     ○Obama Gaming (Coeurl)


      ➢Buffs & CDs

      ➢KT Info

      ➢KT DPS

      ➢KT Checkpoints


                ■Checkpoints have variation due to comp, however these should be a reasonable estimate (Within ~3%)

Carrd created & maintained by Mazz Maryoku
Discord founded by Harumi Shiroha




M3S Full Fight Summary Raidplan

      ★Quick succinct visual summary

Mechanic Differences

      ★This is a list of mechanics that are different than PF

           ■It is strongly recommended that you read the listed strats anyways as even PF strats have some variation

      1. Proteans (Pairs)

      2. Octoboom (Spreads)

      3. Barbarous Barrage (Towers)

      4. Fuse or Foe


➢Octuple Lariat (Proteans Solo) (PF)

      ★Standard Clocks

➢Quadruple Lariat (Proteans Pairs) (Different)

      ★Meet Intercard

      ★T/R & M/H Pairs

           ■Same as M2S

           ■MT R1 (NW)

           ■OT R2 (NE)

           ■H1 M1 (SW)

           ■H2 M2 (SE)

➢Quadroboom (Pairs) (PF)

           ■MT M1 (Boss SW)

           ■OT M2 (Boss SE)

           ■H1 R1 (W)

           ■H2 R2 (E)

➢Octoboom (Spreads) (Different)

      ★Melees Semicircle

           ■MT M1 M2 OT

      ★R1 H1 H2 R2

➢Barbarous Barrage (Towers) (PF/Different)

      ★T/M N/W

      ★H/R S/E

      ★G1 KB Left looking at the boss

      ★G2 KB Right looking at the boss

      ★Uptime (Optional)

           ■Barbarous Barrage (Towers) Uptime

           ■Ask your party especially your healers if they’re ok w/ doing this

           ■Make sure you have mits and heals for the 2 stacks of bleed

➢Final Fusedown (PF)

      ★Final Fusedown

      ★Single long fuse is relative North

      ★G1 Left, G2 Right

      ★Melees in, Ranged out

➢Fusefield (PF)


           ■G1 NW & CCW

           ■G2 N & CW

➢Bombarian Special (PF)

      ★T/M Gapclose➞Max Melee


           ■Stacks max melee

           ■Ranged walk in

➢Fuse or Foe (Different)

      ★Fuse or Foe

      ★Initial Spreads

           ■Same as PF

      ★Octuple Lariat

           ■Same as PF

      ★Quadruple Lariat

           ■Different from PF

           ■Go to your appropriate spots for these. See the above under strats or the raidplan.


      ★{"Name":"M3S Tag Team Uptime","MapID":990,"A":{"X":100.0,"Y":0.0,"Z":93.0,"ID":0,"Active":true},"B":{"X":107.0,"Y":0.0,"Z":100.0,"ID":1,"Active":true},"C":{"X":100.0,"Y":0.0,"Z":107.0,"ID":2,"Active":true},"D":{"X":93.0,"Y":0.0,"Z":100.0,"ID":3,"Active":true},"One":{"X":94.0,"Y":0.0,"Z":94.0,"ID":4,"Active":true},"Two":{"X":106.0,"Y":0.0,"Z":94.0,"ID":5,"Active":true},"Three":{"X":106.0,"Y":0.0,"Z":106.0,"ID":6,"Active":true},"Four":{"X":94.0,"Y":0.0,"Z":106.0,"ID":7,"Active":true}}


      ➢Buffs & CDs

      ➢KT Info

      ➢KT DPS

      ➢KT Checkpoints


                ■Checkpoints have variation due to comp, however these should be a reasonable estimate (Within ~3%)

Carrd created & maintained by Mazz Maryoku
Discord founded by Harumi Shiroha




Mechanic Differences

      ★This is a list of mechanics that are different than PF

           ■It is strongly recommended that you read the listed strats anyways as even PF strats have some variation

      1. Witch Hunt 1

      2. Electrope Edge 2

      3. Exaflares

      4. Raining Swords (Towers)

      5. Chain Lightning


➢Bewitching Flight (PF)

      ★North to South

➢Witch Hunt 1 (Different)

      ★Uptime Witch Hunt 1

➢Witch Hunt 2 (PF Uptime)

      ★Witch Hunt 2

           ■Healers 1st Far

           ■Ranged 2nd Far

           ■Tank 1st Close

           ■Melees 2nd Close

➢Electrope Edge 1 (PF)

      ★Electrope Edge 1

➢Electrope Edge 2 (PF/Different)

      ★Electrope Edge 2

      ★Uptime (Optional)

           ■Melees can do the uptime dodge where you go from the center column to the outer column

➢Cannons (PF)


           ■BR (Looking at the boss)

           ■Supports Left

           ■DPS Right

➢Electrope Transplant (PF)

      ★Electrope Transplant


           ■H/R move as far forward as possible for the wild charge if your T/M partner gets hit by the spread so that they can get uptime

➢Exaflares (Different)

      ★Start at the Northmost spot closest to safe

➢Mustard Bomb (PF)

      ★Mustard Bomb

      ★Tanks do all the work

➢Midnight Sabbath (PF)

      ★Midnight Sabbath

      ★Pair Spots

           ■MT M1 NW/W

           ■OT M2 NE/N

           ■H1 R1 SW/S

           ■H2 R2 SE/E



                ●Supports Left looking at center

                ●DPS Right looking at center

➢Raining Swords (Towers) (PF/Different)

      ★North to South


      ★Caster Uptime (Optional)

           ■Towers Caster Uptime

           ■Ask your party first

➢Chain Lightning (PF/Different)

      ★Uptime (Optional)

           ■Chain Lightning Uptime


                     ○Prickett Ishiyama (Brynhildr)


                ●{"Name":"M4S Chain Lightning Uptime","MapID":992,"A":{"X":100.0,"Y":0.0,"Z":90.0,"ID":0,"Active":true},"B":{"X":107.0,"Y":0.0,"Z":93.0,"ID":1,"Active":true},"C":{"X":100.0,"Y":0.0,"Z":110.0,"ID":2,"Active":true},"D":{"X":93.0,"Y":0.0,"Z":107.0,"ID":3,"Active":true},"One":{"X":93.0,"Y":0.0,"Z":93.0,"ID":4,"Active":true},"Two":{"X":91.025,"Y":0.0,"Z":172.765,"ID":5,"Active":true},"Three":{"X":107.0,"Y":0.0,"Z":107.0,"ID":6,"Active":true},"Four":{"X":108.975,"Y":0.0,"Z":172.765,"ID":7,"Active":true}}


                     ○Aya Liz


➢Targetability Changes

      ★Untargetable: ~6:27.1

      ★Retargetable: ~6:39.1

      ★Note: These are more susceptible to variation than normal for various reasons

           ■+/- ~800ms instead of +/- ~400ms

      ➢Buffs & CDs

      ➢KT Info

      ➢KT DPS

      ➢KT Checkpoints


                ■Checkpoints have variation due to comp, however these should be a reasonable estimate (Within ~3%)

Carrd created & maintained by Mazz Maryoku
Discord founded by Harumi Shiroha